Monday, February 13, 2012

The Latest Updates

Hi All!

I figured I would give a quick update on what is going on with our little family! ;)

She is now 6 weeks old (wow time flies!). She is starting to look less like Keira, and more like the Oswald side. She has fairer skin than Keira, and bigger eyes. She LOVES to cuddle, particularly with mommy, and she is wide awake alot more now. She will just lay with her big blue eyes and coo when she is happy. She has also started smiling this week quite a bit when you talk to her. So precious! She is a great formula so far, wahoo!!! We are so thankful for her! I took her to the doctor today and she was weighing in at 8 lbs 13 oz, with clothes on, so I am guessing she is about 8 1/2 lbs. She weighed in at 8 lbs when she was a month old.

We just recently moved her to size 1 diapers, and she is outgrowing her newborn clothes. It is on my list to get out all her 0-3 month stuff this week. Poor little thing has had a double ear infection and thrush in the past two weeks. She is now on the mend, PTL! She slept for 6.5 hours last night, which was a first, wahoo!

She is now "free years old" and enjoys playing with "Parisses" (Princesses) in her 3 foot tall Barbie house all day long. She is very independent, and can at times be a handful, but we love her vivacious little personality! She loves mommy being home with her, and I enjoy it too, although she is a walking tornado! ;) She just started Cubbies and is loving that and doing a great job learning a verse each week. It is amazing to see them learning about Jesus at such a young age...and it warms my heart! Last week in the car she said, "Mom do you know God? He loves us and died on the cross for everybody's sins!" I am so thankful she is learning these things so early in life!

She also had her first dentist appt. last week. She looked so little sitting on the table, but did a great job. She got a new princess toothbrush and balloon when she was done, and had no cavities. So we left without her hating the dentist- SUCCESS!!

She is really into crafts lately as well, and loves to paint, do stickers, etc. We have kept busy on my maternity leave doing playdates with friends, MOPS, cubbies, and dates to the library. We are considering letting her do dance- but telling her she has to be completely potty trained before she can do that. She is trained, but lazy at times. Just this last week she started sleeping through the night without an accident- but only if she has undies and not a diaper sometimes if we have somewhere to be first thing in the AM I don't risk it. ;)

He is very busy finishing up his degree at Grace. He has 10 weeks left, and we are both anxiously awaiting for him to be done! We went to a marriage conference this weekend that was great for both of us. It was a really good weekend of reconnecting, as life gets busy with two kids, work, and school! I am so thankful for him, and thankful that God chose to give him to me to share life with!! He is absolutely the best husband and father- I am so blessed!! For Valentines Day he said he wasn't getting me anything, but picked up the house and folded a ton of laundry while I napped with Lainey- I was PERFECTLY happy with that!! ;)

I am enjoying being home with the girls- it is never a boring moment! I have gotten back into couponing, and we are trying to live on a streamlined budget. We are starting a mommy and me playdate group with some girls from church, so I am excited about that. I have also enjoyed getting to be more involved with MOPS. It is a great outlet for us! I have 4 weeks of leave left and plan to enjoy every moment and avoid the fact that 4 weeks will go quickly!!!

We are also looking into housing options, and saving for a new house, with hopes of moving in about a year. We would like to have a house with more bedrooms so the girls can each have their own, plus have more room for entertaining, as we really feel that God has called us to be hospitable and host others. We can do that now, but it is getting to be difficult with all of us and our friends having more kiddos. ;)

Well that is the latest with us- Thanks for reading and praying for us as we go through life! :)


  1. Love the update and the photos!! So jealous that Austin is almost done with school. Craig calculated last night that he still has 3 more semesters- I'm sick of it already and I'm not even going to school! :)
