Sunday, January 26, 2014

Keira's Birthday: # 5!!!

First of all...I am about partied out! Between Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Eve, Lainey's Birthday, Keira's Friend Party (the Princess party), and a Family Party for Keira today I am done with birthdays....forever, or at least until the most anticipated birthday of 2014 occurs in March with the arrival of #3!!!

Don't get me wrong: We have thoroughly enjoyed the Holidays and Birthdays but I am happy to now settle down and enjoy life in 2014 for a bit.

Today is Keira's actual fifth birthday...and Lainey and her are now peacefully napping after a fun day with family, pizza, cake, and presents. So- I decided to update this blog before it never gets done.

I have intentions of doing a "Birthday interview" with her when she wakes up, and then putting it in her memory book (and on here), but I can add that later...if it gets done. :)

We had Keira's BIG friend party with 14 little princess last weekend. It was a fun morning, that she absolutely LOVED!!

The Itinerary for Keira's Princess Party was:

The theme and activities of this party were decided by the hostess, Miss Keira. Grandma Lea bought her a Belle dress back in September and she has been saving it since then for her birthday party (she refused to wear it to play in so it would stay nice!). 

Her rules for the party: everything must be pink, everyone must be dressed up like princesses, and there were to be NO boys. We would have loved to invite more princesses, but I cut it off at 14- thinking that was the most I could handle. 

Once all of the princesses blew in (we had 50 mph winds and bitterly cold temps), we started the day with makeovers, including sparkly eyes and blush.  We then moved on to a game similar to musical chairs called "pass the wand", where each girl got a wand to take home when they got out. In the words of Keira, "that sounds fair?!" wasn't a game to win but for fun!! 

After that each princess made a bead necklace and decorated a name card at the table with princess stickers and their name. We then did the typical piƱata, which was a bit difficult for the princesses to break open!!

We then served the princesses a gourmet lunch. On the menu: castle shaped pb& j's, shirley temples, fruit, and pink cookies (all requests of the birthday princess).

We finished the day with a cake pop bar- where each princess got to dip and decorate her own pink (strawberry) cake pop!

Thanks to all the "carriage drivers" and "servers" otherwise known as parents and grandparents who came and brought their princesses and helped!!

We had such a fun day- it will for sure go down in the memory book!!

Today we had a get together for Keira's birthday with just family. It was a more casual get together with Little Caesar's pizza, homemade cake, and just fun celebrating the five years God has given us with this precious little girl!!

Here is a brief update on Keira right now that I posted to my facebook today:

"Happy Birthday to our FIVE year old!! I remember being in the hospital what seems like a few days ago and thinking five years sounded so far away, and look- here we are! We are thankful for how God has used her to help us grow, for her excitement for Jesus, and for all the fun memories we have had with her over the past years. She is our little conscience, always responsible and using big words to ask the most thought provoking questions. She loves art and music enjoys being outside tromping around on her jeep or bike too! She wants to be a teacher when she grows up so she can "tell kids what to do", and she weighs in at a lanky 35 lbs and is around 4 feet tall!! We love you Keira-Deara!!"