Friday, November 15, 2013

Keira's Testimony

So...I never get around to blogging, because when I think of doing it I have SOO much that I want to blog, that I don't know where to start.

But- this is a really important post, that I don't want to lose, so I am putting it on here for storage sake...and if you want, you can read it. :)

October 9, 2013. 

A couple weeks prior to this Austin and I were putting Keira to bed and talking and reading books with her like we typically do. Somehow, the topic came up  and she asked, "How do you get saved?" Austin proceeded to then say: "You have to believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, and that there is nothing you can do to get to heaven, but accept his gift...etc." Keira agreed and said, "I believe that" to each point he made. Austin then said, "Not only do you have to believe that in your head, but you have to want Jesus to be Master, the one who is control of your life, not you. Keira thought about it for a bit and said, "I am not sure if I want that". Austin then said, "That's ok, you can think about it", as we weren't going to pressure her into anything. 

Then on October, 9 (last Wednesday) Pat Green passed away, and she was aware of what had happened as she heard Grandma and Grandpa talking about it all day and how Pat went to heaven, etc. 

On the way home from AWANA she was sitting quietly in the van and all of sudden pipes up, "Mom, I want to go to heaven, but I don't want to die". I told her that would be nice, but the Bible says that we don't go to Heaven until we die. We can't go and visit, and then come back. I then explained, the good thing about dying though is that if we know Jesus, we will go to Heaven when we die and it will be perfect and everything will be happy. Keira then said again, "I don't want to die, because that is no fun". I agreed, and then reiterated that if we know Jesus death is only for a short time and then we get to be in Heaven where it is perfect and happy forever!

Keira then got very quiet for a few moments and then said, "But I don't want to die because I think I might go to Hell". I then asked her, "Why is that?" Instead of answering my question she then sat there and thought for a few moments. She then piped up, "Mom! I want Jesus to be my Master. I want Him to be in control of my life". It then clicked with me, as I realized she was putting together the pieces from our conversation a couple weeks ago. She remembered what we had talked about, and understood that she was not saved until she wanted Jesus to be her Master, and that is why she was worried. I then told her that was great, and if she really meant that in her heart and continued to believe that as she got older she was a Christian and would go to Heaven when she died or Jesus came back. 

She then acted relieved and looked over at Lainey next to her and said, "Well what about Lainey mom?! We have to make sure she goes to Heaven too!!" I then said, "Well we will tell Lainey about Jesus as she gets bigger so she knows how to get to Heaven too and we will pray she wants Jesus to be her Savior and Master too". Keira then said, "Well we should tell her right now!" She then proceeded to ask Lainey, "Lainey, do you want to live for God or SELF?" Lainey responded with "GAH". Keira: "Good. Do you believe Jesus died on the cross for your sins?" Lainey: "Yeah" Keira: "Do you want God to be your Master/ In Control of your life?" Lainey: "Yeah". Keira's response was then, "Mom! Did you hear Lainey? I think she is saved and going to Heaven too!!" 

We then went home and put Keira to bed. Every night we ask her who she wants to pray for. She had her normal list, but also said, "Mom, we need to make sure to pray for Lauren, because she is my BESTEST friend, and I want to make sure she goes to Heaven too!" 

The next day Keira asked about going to school. I then told her she didn't have school because it was closed for Parent-Teacher conferences. She then proceeded to beg and say, "But I NEEED to go to school!!" I asked her why in a little bit of an exasperated tone, Keira then said, "Because, I need to tell my friend Alexis about Heaven, so she can go there too!" I then said to Keira, "Well you can tell her on Monday, the school is closed today, and no one is there, including Alexis". Keira's response was, "Well I hope that isn't too late!!". 

Over the past week Keira has totally melted my heart and I have seen this excitement and passion in her as she seems to understand the pieces and be making conscious decisions for Christ, not just saying things to go along. Her zeal for sharing with others and praying for them is convicting and encouraging, as she realizes time is of the essence, and there is no time like the present!!

I pray that as she grows bigger and becomes an adult that her profession of faith is real, and she grows up to not only be a "Christian" but a true "Follower of Christ". 

It is also so encouraging to me to think that Pat Green, who was in many of my childhood memories from the early days of Southview, and had an impact on me as a child through her ministry, now had an impact on my child...that she does not even know of, through her death. 

Philippians 1:20-21 "According to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.For to me to live in Christ, and to die is gain".