Monday, July 23, 2012

Lainey 6 months

6 month Statistics:

Lainey is:
---just noticed yesterday (July 22nd) that her first tooth finally popped through! ---

  • Wearing Size 1 Diapers
  • Wearing 3-6 month clothing. 
  • Weighs 12.5 lbs and is in the 25% for height, and 5% for weight- but looks like a chunker! :) 

  • She is sitting up great, and bounces like crazy. She REALLY wants to crawl, and will flip onto her hands and knees but won't move. 

  • She loves to TALK. She will babble like crazy, and says, "Da-da-da"
  • She LOVES her paci, and can hold her bottle and feed herself
    • She just last week decided she LOVES food, and she will devour it! She grabs the spoon between her chubby fingers and thrusts it into her mouth.
    • She had her first ice cream on vacation- and loved it!

  • She LOVES attention and will smile and kick like crazy when you give her attention. 

  • She thought the beach sand was awesome to play with! She is an outdoors girl and loves walk and to be outside in general

  • She STILL gets up at least once, if not twice in the night (usually at midnight, and then 4 am, and then 7 am.)

Our June Update....6 weeks late!

Whew! This is an a blog post that I Started in June....and then never finished, as our lives got CRAZYYY (with the move, etc.). However- I had put all these fun pics up, so here it is completed, 6 weeks later. ;)

VBS week was crazy as I worked the first half of the  week, and then taught Vacation Bible School at our church every evening. I taught the 5 year olds, and we had so much fun! I had taught VBS two years ago to the 3 year olds, so it was fun to have some of the  same kiddos two years later- and see how much they changed!
We learned alot about bugs as that was the theme- and also how God transforms us! I absolutely loved the week but was glad when it was over as well- kids wear you out, haha!

We are also counting down the days until we move out of our house. :( We will be moving out all of our stuff a week from today! I have not really packed at all since what we packed from before we sold the house. I have been putting it off, as I am not looking forward to moving out. I know I will be excited to move into our new house, but that won't be until September. So- in the meantime...I am wishing I could stay in mine! However I know this will be a time to look on the positive side, and be flexible! ;) (That is my pep talk to myself). We will be living with Austin's parents in the interim.

They broke ground on our new house this week, so it is fun to see that progress is happening!! We are tempted to drive by everyday and look, haha! Who knew a piece of ground could be so exciting?!

Last week I did the devotional for Charity's bridal shower. It was a special time, as I can remember being so little. I remember her eating all the ice cream in the fridge (she STILL loves ice cream!!), and wearing her big 80's style tennis shoes to bed every night. I can't believe she is all grown up! She has turned into such a great woman, and I am so happy that her and Levi were brought together by GOD. They will be great together! I love this picture of us four sisters together.

We have also been enjoying the SUN! Keira is turning BLACK, as I turn RED. Hmmm... something is wrong with this picture! She loves to play with her pool on the deck, and I have been letting her every spare moment we have, as I want us to get use out of our new deck while it is still ours. :)

Keira updates:

1) We were driving the other day, and Keira says, "Mom are we going to O-MA-MA?  Did you know that is where you work lives?!" As I chuckled, I told her that I work in Bellevue, but go through Omaha to get there. So now she says, "Mom goes through O-MA-MA to get to BELL-VIEW, cause that is where her work lives." If you ask her where I work she says, "My mom works at Tony".

2) She has also started blowing kisses. Grandma Lea taught her this, and it is just TOO Adorable! She will have you blow her a kiss, and then will reach up and grab it. She will then place her hand on her heart and say, "I got it! I put it on my heart for later."

3) She is just so grown up lately! She went to her own VBS class each day his week and had so much fun. Her usual reportings were on what stickers she got each night. She also used her bug binoculars as a camera. She made us all pose for a family picture, then she would position her camera as if it was on a timer and we all had to stand still and say, "Cheese!". She would then pick it up, look, and say, "That was a great one! Thanks!"

Lainey updates:

1) She is SO hungry! Lately she has been eating every 3 hours, particularly overnight. I am really not a fan of that- so we are heavily encouraging food again. She is NOT a fan of rice cereal- so today I cheated and added apple baby food to it. She loved it! (imagine that). She ate the whole bowl, and then a bottle on top of it. She has huge rolls and cheeks that almost touch her chest. She looks like a little chunker, but is only in the 25% for height, and 5% for weight. At 6 months old she weighed 12.5 lbs. She is still in size 1 diapers, and wearing 3-6 month clothes.

2) I entered the bad mom club this week. Yes- I decided to wean her, and put her on formula. I kept debating back and forth, but had multiple reasons for doing it. 1) She is eating way too much for me to keep up, and I was having trouble anyway since I am work half the week and not on the same schedule as her those days. 2) We will be living with my inlaws, and I felt like it would be as if I was nursing/pumping in public all the time (STRESSFUL!!). So- I took the plunge and decided to switch her to formula. She is doing GREAT on it, which I was relieved about. I am happy that  we made it to 5 months exclusively goal was 6, but she did great, and it was a much more enjoyable thing than it was with Keira. I still have alot of milk stored too, so that should help supplement for a good couple months. I know some people probably think I am a horrible mom for doing this, but I honestly have decided I am done with judgmental opinions of people (whether it be nursing, schooling, working, etc). I have decided that I am going to do what is best for our family, (as long as it lines up with the Bible), and be a POSITIVE person. If others want to be judgmental or complain, that is fine- however, I will just choose not to spend my time with you. Life is too short to spend our time tearing others down! (Sorry for the bunny trail...I have just felt lately that so many people, particulary moms, spend their time comparing and tearing each other down. As CHRISTians God calls us to LOVE, and to encourage one another. And that is what I will do! Who is with me?

3) Lainey has started fake coughing. When she feels like she is not getting enough attention she will cough a pitiful little, "uhem, uhem". Once you look at her, she stops and cracks a HUGE smile. What a little stinker! She is a complete ham! Austin and I have decided that she is going to be our handful. She just loves approval, and LOTS of attention ( I can just imagine her at 16!)

4) She sleeps best in the middle of the action. Lately I have been dragging her bassinet into the kitchen, as she falls right to sleep with lots of noise. However- if she is in a quiet room she will SCREAM!.

Thanks for reading my outdated update! ;)


The Keira and Lainey Daily: July 12, 2012

1. Keira is looking forward to going to Oak-SHA-BOW-GEE  (I just LOVE how she says Okoboji!) this weekend with her friend Hayden, and our good friends Kyle and Leighanne. She has grand plans of  building sandcastles, sitting on the beach, and playing noodles (water noodles) with Hayden.

2. Funny quotes of the day....
Austin dropped his knife during dinner and Keira gasped and says, "Daddy! I wasn't 'specting' that!"

Grandpa Steve then chuckled and said, "Keira, if it was a cloudy day, you could make the sun shine!" She turned to him and with her eyes wide adamantly says, "No Grandpa, Jesus makes the sun shine!" He then laughed again, to which she said, "Grandpa! JESUS makes the sun shine, not me!" How adorable, she is our little evangelist. :) We are praying that she comes to know Jesus for herself at an early age, and continues to be an evangelist throughout her entire life! 

3. Lainey is sitting like a PRO! She loves to sit, and is working really hard at scooting/trying to crawl. She is just dying to move! She has recently sucking her lip in, and sticking her tongue out to get attention. It is the funniest face! She will also wrinkle her little nose up now when she laughs. HILARIOUS!

4. Lainey just this week started loving food! Until now, she has not done well with it. We are introducing fruits and veggies mixed with rice, and she is doing great! I am hoping that the food will help her start sleeping longer at night, as she has still been getting up 3-4 times per night, and it is KILLING me! ;)  

Keira is turning out to be alot like Austin. She looks like his miniature in body stature, and has a pretty chill personality like his. She frequently says, "I suppose that will be fine" as she shrugs her shoulders. Lately she has been so well behaved (thank you LORD!) and is so fun to be with as she helps with chores,and listens when you asks her to do something.

Lainey seems to be much more like me, as she is short and petite. She LOVES attention, to be held, and will let you know with a whine if she isn't being played with enough. She is very determined and smart as well! She cries the second you put a bow on her head, and will instantly yank it off. (Little stinker!). She seems to know when sissy is in bed, and thinks that is her prime time to entertain mom and dad. ;)

I just love these two little girls so much! I can't believe God has blessed us with BOTH of them. They are so different, but both hold a special place in our hearts!