Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Great Day!

This post will be short...as I am trying very hard to stay on task and be disciplined about going to bed early (which for me is anytime before 1 AM). :)

I have a bunch of different things that I want to blog about including:

1) What Keira has been up to lately....she is now 26 months old and FULL of ATTITUDE! However, that will wait for another post.

2) I also want to post about our CRUISE that we just got back from this week. It was a wonderful time with my hubby and friends, and I would love to take another one soon! :) However, I left my camera at my moms...so I will wait to blog about that until I can post pictures as well. :)

Today was a great day and what I am hoping is the start of a great new schedule. :) This week I started my new position for work and have consequently switched over to being home Tues/ Thurs (although this week I will be at the office on Thursday). At the end of Monday I had a pile of stuff to do and I almost broke down and said that I would just come in on Tuesday. However, I was originally supposed to switch to this schedule 2 YEARS AGO...when I first had Keira. I kept feeling guilty for not being at the office, so I switched back to full time at the office voluntarily after about a month. Now (2 years older and wiser) I have realize how quickly my little Keira is growing up, and where I want priorities to be, and I realized I needed to just not go into the office today, no matter how much I felt like I should. So...today I stayed home! We had a great morning, Keira ate breakfast and watched Curious George and I checked my work email ( I HAD to do that at least). Then we ran to the mall to return some things, and then fixed a lunch and took a picnic to the park with Austin over his lunch hour. I told him that I felt less stress than ever before when I wasn't at the office because I just didn't worry about know every little thing that was going on. It was GREAT!! Then I put Keira down for a nap and work for a couple of hours while she slept. I honestly think it was a fairly productive day all around! :) I honestly feel so blessed right now. This is the schedule I have wanted for over two years...where I could work and be a vital player in the company, but still get to stay home some too. I know that it will be alot of work as I have to manage my time carefully, but I feel that I can do it...with God's help of course! This is honestly probably the first weekday where I have been home since Keira was born and NOT felt guilty. It is a great feeling, and I am hoping the sign of contentment and that this is the right thing for me and my family currently.

Tonight we met with our small group and then us girls went to share the gospel with a lady who we have been serving for about the past 6 months. We were anonymously given her name, as she had cancer and no family around to help her. We have been taking her meals/ doing yardwork etc. We always had the goal of sharing the gospel with her, but had never really had a chance to do that, so we set up a time tonight to go and share with her. I was REALLY nervous as it was definitely out of my comfort zone. It was someone we knew, but not very well, and we were going to talk to her about the most important thing in the world. I am usually very willing to talk about anything but I was nervous about this as I wanted to make sure I did a good job, and said the right thing. I have always heard from other people about how it is amazing how God works when you just step out in faith and share. It was SO cool to see this for myself tonight. God totally opened up the door and we were able to share briefly with her, leave some Gospel information, and also invite her to church...and I think she is going to come as she is LOOKING! It was amazing to see how God answered. Please pray for her, as we plan to follow up with her via email, and also have a cookout with her in July. This was a great personal growing experience for me as well, as I now already feel less awkward about sharing in the future! :)

Well...that is all for now, sleep tight friends!

1 comment:

  1. Ok so I tried to post a comment last night but it didn't go through.

    I think that Satan uses guilt on us as women a lot because he knows how vulnerable to it we are and how useless we are once we give in to it. I'll be praying for you to have peace with your decision and enjoy your days with Keira! They are fleeting and our girls will be graduating high school before we know it.....
