Well...this is what Keira looked like this morning. ADORABLE! She insisted on wearing her hat to show "Ama Nane"
First though, she wanted to put her shoes on "my a self" Not only did she need to put them on herself, she wanted me to leave the room. With attitude that is hilarious she sweeps her hand and says, "Go Away Mom, Go Away" She then follows me to shut the door so I can't be in her "Woom". I wait about 30 seconds and then knock...as I am ALREADY running late, like always. I crack open the door and she says, "HANG ON mom! 2 minutes" all the while having the attitude of a 16 year old cheerleader and raising her fingers to show me what "2 minutes" means, with huge eyes that show she is "serious".
Wow. My mini-me has arrived. :)
Ok- that is hilarious!!