Hello Friends!
I have been meaning to post each evening, but have been too tired after a full day. Right now Keira is napping, so I am taking the opportunity to post quick! :)
We are getting into a new routine this week with me being at the office every other day, and then home on Tues/ Thurs. It is definitely a change of pace for us! You will laugh, but I almost feel like I did when I was on maternity leave...everything is a bit out of the norm, we are trying to establish a schedule, and it will take a bit for things to settle down. I am really enjoying the new schedule, but it is stressful for me, just because it is different. I am establishing new routines, finding out what is expected of me, and learning a new job.
It is a weird feeling for me because I feel like I have a "normal" life every other day- when I get up, put on a business outfit, grab my coffee, drop Keira off, and head to the office. That is our routine, and I have it down so well. I like being home, but the "being a business woman" one day, and the "being a sweat pant wearing mom" the next day is going to take some getting used to for it to feel "normal".
I learned after about a day of being home that I NEED to have a schedule! Otherwise I end up wasting alot of time. I am naturally someone who loves to have a gameplan, but can roll with the punches and be flexible, as long as I had a plan to start out with.
SO...that is what we have been doing. I have been making a schedule each evening before bed of things that need done, activities, and work for the next day. Then I try to loosely hold to that schedule. It helps out so much, and makes for a much more productive day, and a calmer/happier mommy!
Our typical schedule is shaping up like this:
8:00/8:30-Get up and get going for the day. Keira eat breakfast and watch Curious George while I do devos and check work email for anything that has come in overnight (as I usually check it right before bed).
I usually try to plan a morning activity to motivate us to get up and going. It also gets us out of the house, we get to see friends, and do new things! This week we went to the Bounce House with friends. Keira had a great time playing with her playmates, and I had a great time chatting and spending time with a close Christian friend who is such an encouragement to me!
I plan to do trips to the library, zoo, Omaha Children's Museum, park, and friends houses. I usually try to plan our outings for the week by Sunday, so that we have it planned out in advance.
Then usually after our morning activity we do a quick lunch. Keira then naps from around 2:00-5:00 and I usually do work for my actual job while she sleeps. It allows me to catch up on stuff that at the office I get interrupted too much to focus on.
Austin is usually home by 5 and we make dinner, and do whatever activity we have planned for the evening!
Thus far I am REALLY enjoying being "home" because we are not just sitting at home, but rather doing things with others. I do have less time than I thought I would though, as I am usually doing a Keira activity, or working from home. That is ok though. Austin and I both agree that I am staying home more not to be caught up on all the chores, but to spend quality time with Keira, so that is really what I am focusing on....although that mountain of clean laundry in my family room REALLY does need to get folded (one of these days!)
Today we tried multi-tasking a bit: I spent the morning around the house, playing with Keira and doing housework. I then had a business lunch, and then went back and picked Keira up for naptime. It worked very well, I liked having a bit of both worlds in one day. :)
Tonight we are planning to make Easter Egg Rice Krispy Treats. I will let you know how they turn out, I think it will be a fun activity to do with Keira and Austin...we all really like to cook/bake together, so it should be a good family evening. :)
I have to tell you, I appreciate your struggle for a routine. It has taken me almost 2 years but I FINALLY feel like I have a really good schedule down. I do know that Hayden and I don't do quite all the stuff that you and Keira do :) but we do stay busy. Well, mostly I stay busy and she tags along, but she does so well with all my errands and meetings. It might take a while, but you will get used to. Hopefully it doesn't take two years though :)