One of my friends reminded me tonight that it has been quite awhile since I have posted! It is late (of course) but I thought I would jot a few notes about life as of late. One word can describe it.....CRAZY! I don't know what happened, but we are now busy almost every night of every week, and it is exhausting! I love being involved in every activity that we are involved in, but told Austin that we cannot commit to any other weekly activity. The bad news is Keira isn't even in school, sports, or any activities of her own yet!
To talk about Keira:
She is now 20 months old and more passionate, confident, and determined than ever. My mom and I (ok....mostly my mom) have tried to start potty training her, but after a few days of failed attempts decided to wait for a bit, rather than reach the brink of insanity. Some of Keira's favorite things currently:
1. She LOVES to be outside. She can spot our neighborhood park from 2 blocks away. We try to make a habit of going at least a couple of times per week. She loves to "swing", "SIDE" and just run in general. The bigger the slide the better. We have learned that she is quite the daredevil!
2. Her favorite thing is the "PUPPPY" She hollers his name incessantly, loves to give him rubs, and counts at him to come if she feels he is not behaving. One her favorite phrases is still "PUPPY....NO, NO!" It is hilarious, but I am sure Kenai is wishing I would follow through on my threats of shipping him off to a new home!
3. Keira has also become quite the talker! She really started repeating/ using two-three word phrases, and expanding her vocabulary in the past couple weeks. She loves to say "dat" and point to things until we figure out what "dat" is. :)She says, "I dunno", "I love you", and many other phrases quite clearly. She also loves to dress herself, repeat anything she hears, and sing. She sings the "whoooo,Whooa" part of the Casting Crowns song "Until the Whole World Hears" with perfect pitch. We catch her walking around the house singing it to herself. She will aslo start singing this whenever we say the word, "sing". It is hilarious!
Beyond Keira:
Austin is staying very busy with classes. He is finishing up his second course at Grace, and has about 12 months left in his 15 month accelerated program. He is doing great, and really enjoying school for the first time. I am so happy that he has finally found what he really has a passion for studying (the Bible classes). We have enjoyed spending time as a family on the weekends around Omaha. We recently went to Vala's for the first time, and had a great time! Keira loved it, and I think I had just as much fun!
Austin and I are also leading AWANA sparks at Southview this year for the first time. We are loving getting to spend time and build into the lives of the K-2nd graders that we work with. It is very rewarding and something that we enjoy doing each week! :)
I am staying very busy with work, keeping up on the house, learning how to do payroll for a small company, and making time to socialize with friends, and have some playdates for Keira. I am anxiously waiting for the day where I can work less and be closer to a stay at home mom. Work is stressful as usual, but my goal and the conviction that I feel God has been putting on my heart as of lately is to be content. I realize that God has placed me in the environment that I am in for a reason. I want to make the most of the opportunity that I have and be a good testimony. I feel like it is always a struggle, but I am always praying that God will help me to be bold, not to compromise, and to be a strong, consistent testimony. I would love to cut back to a Part time job somewhere tomorrow, and I often feel like the light at the end of the tunnel is too far away. However, Austin feels it is best for me to stay at my current job, full time for now. I respect his leadership and choose to make the most of my current opportunities and enjoy what God has given to me currently. I am learning to trust God with the future, and not hurry it along! :)
Well that is a brief summary of our lives as of late. It is my bedtime, goodbye till next time!
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