I was browsing the web and realized it has been 6 months since I have put an update on here! I really need to be better at posting on this more often, so that I don't write books every time I am on here! :)
Well, to start with obviously Keira's first birthday has come and gone a long time ago, and we are well on our way to her 2nd! I can't believe how fast she is growing and changing, however I am enjoying the fact that she has seemed to slow down just a bit from the first year, where you just blinked and she changed!
We took her to the doctor this weekend because she has been sick. She still weighs in at a petite 20 lbs. :) She has weighed that since she was 15 months old, so we are not gaining much weight, but she has in height! Lately every time I put a dress on her, it is about 2-3 inches shorter than the last time.
Her FAVORITE place to be now is outside, doing anything, no matter what the temperature. She now stands at the door, and will whine "owwwsidde". She loves to play in the new sandbox that daddy built her, go up and down the slide, and swing on her swing and the "big kid" swing. When we go on a walk to the park she starts screaming with joy and kicking to get out of her stroller when we are a block away. She loves to do everything at the play ground including all the big slides by herself.
In the past few weeks I have noticed that she is really starting to comprehend things. I will ask her questions and she often repeats what I say, or will do what I ask. If I tell her we are going bye bye, she will go to her room, get her shoes, and then find me to put them on, saying, "SHEEEWW" the whole time. She went through a stage for a couple weeks where she insisted on ONLY wearing her Crocs. We had a few discussions about me being the adult, not her, and that she couldn't wear hot pink crocs with her Sunday dress. :) My mom has told me that I started insisting on picking my outfits out at the age of 2, so I am assuming that Keira must be following my "great" example! ;)
Keira is also very good at sweet talking her way out of trouble. If I tell her to come and she doesn't, I will count down. When I do this, she has recently starting mimicking me saying, "Ooone" , "OOOH" and "EEE" and she SLOWLY walks towards me. This makes it very hard for me to keep a straight face!!! :) Whenever Austin tells her to look him in the eyes, she will roll her eyes and look everywhere but to him. When he finally gets her attention she wrinkles her nose and pouts out her lip in surrender. We personally think it is absolutely adorable!
Two of Keira's other favorite activities currently are driving and dancing. Whenever we go to the car, she tries to open up the drivers side and climb in and steer. She is often very disappointed when she has to be "demoted" to the carseat in back. I keep saying she is 18 months going on 18 years! She also loves to dance to her music. However, she does not think it is funny when mommy joins her. When I try to dance with her, she often gives me the "LOOK". When she does that it looks as if she is saying, "Come on mom, you are embarrassing me".
Keira's vocabulary is also expanding. Her favorite phrase to say is "I dunno!" Whenever you ask her a question, she often shrugs her shoulders, turns up her hands, and says "I dunno?!" with quite the little attitude :) Sometimes we ask her questions just to get this reaction. :) Her other words include, puppy (she ADORES him), papa, mommy, daddy, all done, bye-bye, hi, no (which she says VERY clearly) and her latest...MINE.
Well, it is getting late so I will cut this "short" :). We are so thankful to have her a part of our lives, she is an always changing joy! We pray that God will give us the wisdom and strength to raise her in a Godly home, and that she will come to know him early on in life.
We are having her 18 month pictures on Friday, I will try to post some soon! :)
Charis' wedding is also next week and Keira is the flower girl, so I will try post pictures of that as well!
She is so adorable. I miss her. Need to see her next week so my house better get healthy. She brings us all so much joy when she is here. I love all her phrases and her expressions that go with them!