Poppy- got rid of Jan 13, 2014...yay! It only took one day, I came home and was sick of her trying to talk around it, so I said it was going bye-bye. She whined at bed time, but as very motivated by the thought of being a "big girl". I told her "big girls don't have poppy's" and she held back the tears and consoled herself by saying, "I a big girl...I a big girl" over and over to herself. Next day she was fine and we have never looked back, PTL! :)
Says "no problem" and "you stop it!" All the time.
Her favorite songs are: "Jesus loves me" and "jingle bells" which she sings all the time. :) She also loves "FROZEN" and sings "Let it go" at the top of her lungs.
She tries to entertain and loves to laugh at Keira's jokes. She is definitely the "spice" in our household...and our little comedian. She is always about the fun and trying to get everyone to laugh. Favorite show is "neighborhood", and she LOVES the ipad. First thing she asks for in the morning is my ipad, and she knows how to get right to the "PBS kids" app and watch her shows.
Lainey: 2 year old checkup
Lainey: 21 lbs
Lainey: 31 inches
Size 3 diapers
SiZe 4 shoes
18 month clothes some 12 mo.

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