Keira 2013sayings
Keira sayings:
Everything fresh: like big brieves ( breaths)
We are all sinners- she told this to Rachel, her babysitter.
"Daddy get a woof dog with triangle ears": She knows Daddy wants a husky.
34 lbs. wants to be a fairy or teacher when she grows up, so she can tell kids what to do.
Wants to be a zookeeper. So she can see animals be born and die and touch there fuzzy ears.
Follow me as I discover what being a wife, mother, friend, and businesswoman entails, and how God helps me juggle it all!
Monday, April 7, 2014
Lainey: 2013 Sayings
Lainey 2013 sayings:
August/ 20 months
Wants you to sing amazing grace and Jesus loves me and goes right now. Plays happily in crib in morning.
21 months:
"Too"- her response when you say "I love you"
"Hep u" -her way of saying "help you" when she wants help. Bc I always say to her "do you want me to help you?"
Key-wa- "Keira"
"Nigh-nigh"!!! When she is tired.
"Oh-URT"- to request yogurt, her favorite food, usually first thing in the morning.
***she also Loves oatmeal for breakfast***
"Daddy??" - she will say this when she wonders where he is/if he is at work.
"No!!!"- she can hold her own when Keira and her fight over toys.
She will want me to hold her and will wrap her arms around me and pat my back and say "mama, mama", or lay her head of my chest and say the same thing. She is definitely a mamas girl. :)
23 mo: moved to big girl bed. Wants you to "pray" every night (numbers 6)
When she gets tired she always asks for " mommy cuddles?!" And puts her head on my shoulder.
August/ 20 months
Wants you to sing amazing grace and Jesus loves me and goes right now. Plays happily in crib in morning.
21 months:
"Too"- her response when you say "I love you"
"Hep u" -her way of saying "help you" when she wants help. Bc I always say to her "do you want me to help you?"
Key-wa- "Keira"
"Nigh-nigh"!!! When she is tired.
"Oh-URT"- to request yogurt, her favorite food, usually first thing in the morning.
***she also Loves oatmeal for breakfast***
"Daddy??" - she will say this when she wonders where he is/if he is at work.
"No!!!"- she can hold her own when Keira and her fight over toys.
She will want me to hold her and will wrap her arms around me and pat my back and say "mama, mama", or lay her head of my chest and say the same thing. She is definitely a mamas girl. :)
23 mo: moved to big girl bed. Wants you to "pray" every night (numbers 6)
When she gets tired she always asks for " mommy cuddles?!" And puts her head on my shoulder.
The Latest and Greatest Sayings Around Our House....
I try every couple months once a year to post some of the funny things the girls say/do so that I don't forget.
Here is the latest:
October 2013:
Keira told me she picked water at school to go with her lunch: "freshens her and is healfy that is why she ordered that at school". She then went on to say: "dad drinks too much pop its not healfy". Ha! Maybe she will be the one who gets him to stop drinkingpoison err...Mt. Dew. :)
November 2013:
Conversation with Keira about her school day: "a police man and a woman came and we got to ask them questions about what they do... but I didn't ask them questions. I told them a fact about my mom. How one time she thought they were chasing her, and then she lookind in the back seat and saw it was my light up shoes going off". Great - I am loving how my daughter is portraying her fugitve mother.
April 6, 2014
Yesterday Lainey tried pulling her hand away from me in the parking lot like usual. I said, "Lainey, don't do that. You might get hit by a car, and that is dangerous. They are bigger than us, and could hurt you or you could even die." Keira gasped and said, "oh no! Lainey can't die! I am not sure if she knows Jesus yet!!" It melted my heart. Talk about having her priorities straight. Once again, I can learn from my children and their innocent teaching to me.
"Just a moment"....that is the latest way Keira describes things. For instance, "Lainey, you can have this toy if you wait just a moment"...or, "Mom, I can come get my shoes on in just a moment".
Lainey: April 6, 2014
"um"...this is Lainey's response to her eyes go up to the sky and she says it LONG and thoughtfully. Lainey, what do you want for snack, "UM...."/ Lainey, what did you do today, "UM...." :)
"Because": This is an adjective in Lainey's world. She uses this to describe/exaggerate her point. "Mom I want some cheese BECAUSE...."/ "I need that doll BECAUSE"
"Mom, you go pump. Zawee is hungy". This was what Lainey so matter of factly stated last night when Zalie started crying. It made me laugh because I had no idea that she knew what that was, kids are such little sponges!
After de-pantsing herself in the middle of the street (that is her typical cue to tell us she needs to go potty), Austin took her to the bathroom. He tried to put a diaper back on her, but she refused and said, "Whats the deal dad?!"
Here is the latest:
October 2013:
Keira told me she picked water at school to go with her lunch: "freshens her and is healfy that is why she ordered that at school". She then went on to say: "dad drinks too much pop its not healfy". Ha! Maybe she will be the one who gets him to stop drinking
Conversation with Keira about her school day: "a police man and a woman came and we got to ask them questions about what they do... but I didn't ask them questions. I told them a fact about my mom. How one time she thought they were chasing her, and then she lookind in the back seat and saw it was my light up shoes going off". Great - I am loving how my daughter is portraying her fugitve mother.
April 6, 2014
Yesterday Lainey tried pulling her hand away from me in the parking lot like usual. I said, "Lainey, don't do that. You might get hit by a car, and that is dangerous. They are bigger than us, and could hurt you or you could even die." Keira gasped and said, "oh no! Lainey can't die! I am not sure if she knows Jesus yet!!" It melted my heart. Talk about having her priorities straight. Once again, I can learn from my children and their innocent teaching to me.
"Just a moment"....that is the latest way Keira describes things. For instance, "Lainey, you can have this toy if you wait just a moment"...or, "Mom, I can come get my shoes on in just a moment".
Lainey: April 6, 2014
"um"...this is Lainey's response to her eyes go up to the sky and she says it LONG and thoughtfully. Lainey, what do you want for snack, "UM...."/ Lainey, what did you do today, "UM...." :)
"Because": This is an adjective in Lainey's world. She uses this to describe/exaggerate her point. "Mom I want some cheese BECAUSE...."/ "I need that doll BECAUSE"
"Mom, you go pump. Zawee is hungy". This was what Lainey so matter of factly stated last night when Zalie started crying. It made me laugh because I had no idea that she knew what that was, kids are such little sponges!
After de-pantsing herself in the middle of the street (that is her typical cue to tell us she needs to go potty), Austin took her to the bathroom. He tried to put a diaper back on her, but she refused and said, "Whats the deal dad?!"
First Week Memories: Azalie Hope
First week memories-
Newborn hair feels like velour- and black is adorable!! I don't like to put hats on her head because it covers up her beautiful head full of black hair!
She is so cuddly and tiny! I love how she still curls up in a ball on my chest to sleep.
Lainey is a smotherer- she grins from ear to ear when she can touch her or hold her. And calls her "baby zay-we"
Keira loves to be a proud big sis and tell her name to everyone but beyond that isn't too interested.
Daddy is a huge help!!
This week has been like a vacation, we did st. Pattys at chick fil a, got to see aunt Charis, and uncle Nate and meet baby Lydia, and see aunt faith and aunt charity and uncle Levi. We got to meet both great grandparents, and spend lots of time with both our grandparents. We bought a car, sold a car, and did some shopping and went out to eat. It has been a great week of family time, and I have actually slept better than I did the last month or so of my pregnancy. Daddy has been staying up with her at night when she wasn't hungry , and she is already is a good routine of eating every 3 hours like clock work!! :) she is my best nurser, and sleeps pretty good as well, although she still has her days and nights a bit mixed up (midnight-3 am is her awake time). She has had a clogged tear duct but it's getting better already.
She likes to be held more than anything else and hates being cold/ having her diaper changed.
She likes a paci, but is not addicted to it.
She often clenches her fist, and we joke that she leads a stressful life. ;)
She is a joy and we are so thankful to have another beautiful, healthy little girl in our family. She is a blessing from God for sure! :)
I think she has Keira's coloring, and Lainey's facial expressions with her own facial features that look like gpa Dwight and the Oswald side more.
People who were pregnant at same time: of course Charis had Lydia 9 days before and it has been SOO fun having a twin cousin close to share these first moments with. My friend Tennille who has a boy born the same week as Keira, had a little girl two weeks to the day after Zalie. Andrea, a great friend, had her little boy 3 weeks after Zalie.Laura, another girl from church had her baby a week and a half after Zalie. During the time I was pregnant there have been a TON of girls in our church pregnant or having babies, it is so fun to have 8-10 other girls to go through this stage of life with at the same time!!
Gma lea says out of the 3 girls she looks the most like Austin.
Newborn hair feels like velour- and black is adorable!! I don't like to put hats on her head because it covers up her beautiful head full of black hair!
She is so cuddly and tiny! I love how she still curls up in a ball on my chest to sleep.
Lainey is a smotherer- she grins from ear to ear when she can touch her or hold her. And calls her "baby zay-we"
Keira loves to be a proud big sis and tell her name to everyone but beyond that isn't too interested.
Daddy is a huge help!!
This week has been like a vacation, we did st. Pattys at chick fil a, got to see aunt Charis, and uncle Nate and meet baby Lydia, and see aunt faith and aunt charity and uncle Levi. We got to meet both great grandparents, and spend lots of time with both our grandparents. We bought a car, sold a car, and did some shopping and went out to eat. It has been a great week of family time, and I have actually slept better than I did the last month or so of my pregnancy. Daddy has been staying up with her at night when she wasn't hungry , and she is already is a good routine of eating every 3 hours like clock work!! :) she is my best nurser, and sleeps pretty good as well, although she still has her days and nights a bit mixed up (midnight-3 am is her awake time). She has had a clogged tear duct but it's getting better already.
She likes to be held more than anything else and hates being cold/ having her diaper changed.
She likes a paci, but is not addicted to it.
She often clenches her fist, and we joke that she leads a stressful life. ;)
She is a joy and we are so thankful to have another beautiful, healthy little girl in our family. She is a blessing from God for sure! :)
I think she has Keira's coloring, and Lainey's facial expressions with her own facial features that look like gpa Dwight and the Oswald side more.
People who were pregnant at same time: of course Charis had Lydia 9 days before and it has been SOO fun having a twin cousin close to share these first moments with. My friend Tennille who has a boy born the same week as Keira, had a little girl two weeks to the day after Zalie. Andrea, a great friend, had her little boy 3 weeks after Zalie.Laura, another girl from church had her baby a week and a half after Zalie. During the time I was pregnant there have been a TON of girls in our church pregnant or having babies, it is so fun to have 8-10 other girls to go through this stage of life with at the same time!!
Gma lea says out of the 3 girls she looks the most like Austin.
Lainey: 2 year old update
Lainey: 2 years old
Poppy- got rid of Jan 13, 2014...yay! It only took one day, I came home and was sick of her trying to talk around it, so I said it was going bye-bye. She whined at bed time, but as very motivated by the thought of being a "big girl". I told her "big girls don't have poppy's" and she held back the tears and consoled herself by saying, "I a big girl...I a big girl" over and over to herself. Next day she was fine and we have never looked back, PTL! :)
Says "no problem" and "you stop it!" All the time.
Her favorite songs are: "Jesus loves me" and "jingle bells" which she sings all the time. :) She also loves "FROZEN" and sings "Let it go" at the top of her lungs.
She tries to entertain and loves to laugh at Keira's jokes. She is definitely the "spice" in our household...and our little comedian. She is always about the fun and trying to get everyone to laugh. Favorite show is "neighborhood", and she LOVES the ipad. First thing she asks for in the morning is my ipad, and she knows how to get right to the "PBS kids" app and watch her shows.
Lainey: 2 year old checkup
Lainey: 21 lbs
Lainey: 31 inches
Size 3 diapers
SiZe 4 shoes
18 month clothes some 12 mo.
"I fix it. Need new batteries"....she runs to the tool drawer and gets the screw driver to replace the batteries anytime the power button on a toy is turned off. :)
Poppy- got rid of Jan 13, 2014...yay! It only took one day, I came home and was sick of her trying to talk around it, so I said it was going bye-bye. She whined at bed time, but as very motivated by the thought of being a "big girl". I told her "big girls don't have poppy's" and she held back the tears and consoled herself by saying, "I a big girl...I a big girl" over and over to herself. Next day she was fine and we have never looked back, PTL! :)
Says "no problem" and "you stop it!" All the time.
Her favorite songs are: "Jesus loves me" and "jingle bells" which she sings all the time. :) She also loves "FROZEN" and sings "Let it go" at the top of her lungs.
She tries to entertain and loves to laugh at Keira's jokes. She is definitely the "spice" in our household...and our little comedian. She is always about the fun and trying to get everyone to laugh. Favorite show is "neighborhood", and she LOVES the ipad. First thing she asks for in the morning is my ipad, and she knows how to get right to the "PBS kids" app and watch her shows.
Lainey: 2 year old checkup
Lainey: 21 lbs
Lainey: 31 inches
Size 3 diapers
SiZe 4 shoes
18 month clothes some 12 mo.

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