She is developing such a personality!!
Mad screams! She hollers at me if I walk out of the room when she wants something.
Teething like crazy! She will about bite your fingers off, but none have popped through yet.
The stats: (sorry- I know it's boring. It's my way on keeping medical records. ;)
Eating 4-5 oz every 4 hrs
Still in size 1 diapers
Weight: don't know- we are headed to docs next week
Lenghth: don't know- we are headed to docs next week
Still doesn't sleep through night. Wakes up around 3 am and 6 am.
Loves attention!! She smiles huge and coos and talks like crazy when you look at her and speak to her.
Loves to sit up. We just got the Bumbo out- and she loves it!!
She is loving to lay on her playmat and pull at toys. Starting to get bored now and needs to be entertained.
Rice cereal- since she is eating do much and do often I think she is still hungry. We plan to start cereal tomorrow- pics to follow!!
First road trip- we went to visit Uncle Cody in Oklahoma this past weekend.
It was a 7 hr drive and she did pretty good until the very end- she just screamed because she wanted OUT of that seat!!

First trip to zoo- she loved being outside and was happy as long as she was sitting up and could see!
Exersaucer- we just started using that as well. She is still a bit small for it, but once again- likes looking out.
She loves to spend time and hang out with big sis Keira.
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