Hello All!
I keep thinking of things that I want to blog, but never seem to have the time/energy to sit down and actually get things put down on paper....err the screen! :)
So,here is the latest update on what has been going on in my life/ and my thoughts on it.
First of all:
The last couple of weeks have been insanely slow for us compared to our normal hectic pace. I have actually really enjoyed being home more, and just relaxing, reading, and spending time with Keira and Austin. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a home body, so this is very unusual for me! I told Austin that I am learning contentment...it's that or my iron levels are severely low; which could be the case since I have been WIPED OUT lately, and cannot get my energy back! Speaking of, I have actually started taking vitamins to boost my iron, so hopefully that will solve my tired issues soon. :)
One of the things that I have been doing on my sabbatical at home is to read the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. Any one who claims to be a Christian...actually no matter what you claim, you should check it out. It is a great book, and challenges us to think for ourselves, but to be on fire for GOD as he deserves nothing less than that! It has been a great challenge/conviction for me! The part that has stuck out the post thus far to me is this paragraph:
"Put into perspective the brevity of our lives...In about 50 years (give or take a couple of decades) no one will remember you. Everyone you know will be dead. Certainly no one will care what job you had, what car you drove, what school you attended, or what clothes you wore."
WOW. That is all I can say about that. That was a great thing for me to read and think about, as I have always heard "life is short, flies by, etc". However, putting it in terms of 50 years (which is only 2x what I have currently lived) really puts it into perspective about how short of a life I have left...and that is considering that I actually live to be an old person (which is definitely not a guarantee, especially with me!)
As stated directly after that paragaph, "This can be terrifying or reassuring, or maybe a mix of both". Exactly my sentiments. This is so reassuring to me, as I naturally an the type of person who has to "keep up with the Joneses". My personality has always been one to want to "fit in but be spectacular...all at the same time". I have come to realize that to do that, you put alot of unneeded stress on yourself! It is alot of work to always have a car, house, clothes, kid, job, etc, that not only meets my own unrealistic standards, but also what I "think" everyone else expects! I am realizing how much time and energy I often waste on things that don't really matter. Whenever I start wanting a newer house, or feel the need to shop because I need "the newest ________ (fill in the blank)", I just remind myself that in 50 years NONE of this will matter. For me, it has been a great way to put things in perspective. I realize most of you who are reading this are probably thinking, "Duh, Ellie...did the lightbulb finally turn on?!" However, for me I have "known" all of this for a long time, however actually internalizing it for myself is a new and wonderful thing! :)
This statement is terrifying to me in a sense because it reminds me that I only have a SHORT time here on Earth. I feel moved more than ever before to make that time worthwhile. I need to be using that time to serve and share the love and truth of Jesus as much as I can, regardless of what other's think!
Whew! After that whole speech I am not saying that I don't think we should enjoy our time on this Earth...rather make good Long term decisions, and make the most use of our time here! I am learning it is always a learning process, we are never perfect, but that is not an excuse for continued failure. :)
Well...I guess I am going to have to cut this post short...the hubby thinks it is his turn to use the computer! ;)
I will post shortly with some updates on Keira, and also what one of my other new hobbies is. :)
I really enjoyed reading this Ellie. I feel like I have come to a crossroads lately and feel like I really need a change in my life. God is showing me that I need to rely on Him for my satisfaction and not on others or what I have accomplished. I'll have to check out that book some time.