It has been three months since I have last posted and alot has changed as Keira continues to grow! She is now rolling over, from back to front and also from front to back. She rolled over for the first time on Mother's Day, May 10, what a great gift! She could only roll over from her back to stomach until just recently. It was quite comical as she would roll over, then get stuck like a beached whale and start crying as if to say, "Who did this to me????". She does quite well now rolling to both sides. We also reached another milestone at 4 months...she finally moved from sleeping in her papasan seat to sleeping in her crib, whoo hoo!!! She now does quite well sleeping in her crib and often times rolls into the corner so we can hardly see her without leaning over the side of the crib. She also sleeps crouched on all fours with her little bum in the air, how cute! I am sure she will hate me later on for all of the pictures that I have of her doing that. :) She also sleeps with her blanker clenched against her cheek and her pacifier in her mouth.
In other Keira news she is starting to eat solids! We had tried to start her on rice cereal a few weeks ago and she was not a fan of it at all. However, we noticed recently that she was following our mouths when we ate, so we thought it was time to try again. Daddy fed her cereal tonight and she devoured the spoon! She also has decided that ice cream is pretty good, after testing it out for the first time at the College World Series and licking half of mommy's cone. :) I weaned her from breastmilk about a month ago, as she would no longer nurse, so I was giving her all of the breastmilk from pumping. My milk was drying up and with all of the hours I was putting in at the office it was not worth it to pump for 1 bottle a day, so we just switched completely to formula and she has done great with it. I felt guilty about stopping before six months for a few days, but now it is great and I love the freedom. I am alot less stressed and can actually enjoy the time I get to spend with her! :)
She has also become quite the chatter box as of late. She will violently wave her arms, raise her eyebrows and grunt, coo, and squeal as loud as she can as if to tell the world to listen to her. She now recognizes her name and will whip her head around when she is called. She always has a huge grin for mom, no matter what. When I come to pick her up at 5:00pm she will wave her arms, giggle and grin from ear to ear, it just lights up my world and I can hardly wait for the work day to be over with so I can see her!
We have been trying to make frequent trips to the pool as well. She loves the water and will sit for hours in the shallow end just splish splashing around. She has quite a tan, and is already darker than mom, despite the SPF 70 sunblock that we use!
We also like to go on walks, she now sits straight up in the stroller and just loves to be outside, which is great with mom and dad!
Her favorite toy right now is her exersaucer, which is commonly referred to as her "carnival" by mom and "cadillac" by grandma. She will sit and push all of the musical buttons and then squeal when it does something. We have decided they are worth their weight in gold!
Every night I watch her sleep and thank God that he has blessed me with such an adorable little girl who is healthy, happy, and brings such joy to our lives! As she grows, I am also growing and realizing how quickly time flies, and to make time for the most important things in life, which include spending as much time as possible with her and Austin! :)
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