It has been a month already since Miss Keira Elizabeth arrived! It has been a month of many changes and joys that is for sure. We are beginning to get into a schedule (I think) and it is fun to see how she changes each day. She is now sleeping about 3 hours at a time at night. She goes to bed around 11:00 pm and then wakes up at 2:30 am and 6:30 am to eat. She is definitely helping us to get into bed earlier! We have discovered that she does not like to sleep in her crib, bassinet, swing, etc. She likes sleep being held or in her carseat. The car is a lifesaver and she falls asleep no matter what withing minutes of the car moving. So, we have begun the tradition of taking a late night drive and then letting her sleep in the carseat. :) It is usually that or she somehow manages to end up in bed with me when I give in after lack of sleep around 3 am!
She is a great nurser, and I am so thankful that is going well. She is very expressive, often times frowning and moving her mouth in a variety of different motions. Recently she has begun to smile as well...which is adorable even if it is just a reflex. When she is waking up she will stretch her head back as far as possible as wrinkle up her forehead like an old man. We call her our little analyzer and she always has her brows furrowed as if she is solving the world's problems.
Her lungs have developed more as her cries are now much louder than when she was first born. However she still has a whimper that just pulls at mom's heart! She is a pretty good baby though and usually only cries when she is hungry or fighting sleep. We also have discovered that she is not a fan of baths. It takes two people to give her one as she squirms and screams bloody murder the whole time! She is very strong as she is already picking her head up when I put her on my shoulder to burp her. She also kicks her legs very pointedly when she is upset. One way to calm her down is to let her hold onto your thumbs with whole hands. She will grib so hard that her little knuckles turn white. But hey, if we are distracting her from crying it is a good plan!
We have been enjoying my maternity leave by going to many basketball games and out and about shopping with other moms. I have decided that she likes noise better than quiet as she will sleep through anything including sports announcers and high school band music! It has been fun to spend more time at home with her as well with other girls from the church who stay home! I plan to go back to the office in two weeks, I am not excited about this but am hoping if we are on a schedule the transition will go smoothly!
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