Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lainey is five months old!

1- she is teething like crazy

2- she loves to be held, swaddled, and bounced. She has just this week started sleeping 6 hours at a time at night...PRAISE THE LORD!!

3- she is very talkative. She squeals for attention. We call her "high maintenance". At least that may keep the boys away!

4- she belly laughs- especially for sissy Keira.

5- rice cereal-she is NOT a fan, and would prefer milk. Eats about 4-5 oz every 3-5 hours.
6- She LOVES her bumbo!
7- She is chunkier than Keira (at least that is the comment we get most from people. She has very big cheeks and blue eyes.(Maybe she will look more like mommy than her older sister!!
8- She weighs approximately  12 lbs. is in size one diapers,  and 3 month clothes.