Well I had originally intended to post to this blog each week, however life with a newborn has proven to be very busy and I think I will instead try to post each month on her changes, as that may be a more attainable goal! :)
This last month has been very fun and full of lots of changes. To start with, I went back to work in the middle of the month on MWF. My mom watches her, which is a huge blessing as I don't have to worry about her. However, I still miss her and would rather not be at the office, but it is a good change of pace as well and I am trying to be thankful that God has blessed me with a great job where I can still spend alot of time with Keira. :)
We have also decided that Keira is a little social bug, as she has shown this to us in a variety of different ways. She will wimper if she is in a different room than me in her swing, however if I bring her into the room where I am she usually quiets right down. Sometimes she is a little bit more stubborn, and waits to stop whining until she is held. She has also shown her little personality by smiling and cooing when talked to. Her coo is adorable, and often times she wont coo when she is happy but rather when she is on the verge of crying. Her cry is still adorable (most of the time...). Most of the time she has a wimper as if she is just pleading with us to be listened to. She will stick out her lower lip, and if she is really upset, her little chin will quiver!
She focuses very well on people and things now and loves to look at her mobiles. The one in her pack and play at Grandma's is her favorite, even though it is not as high tech and doesn't play music!
About a week ago she has also decided to sleep through the night, which is wonderful for mom! She will sleep for about 7 hours at a time, and so the goal is to not let her go to bed too long before me, otherwise I am up early for the day! We have gotten away from taken our nightly drives, which is a good thing! However, she is still not a huge fan of the crib and usually sleeps in either her carseat or swing. As long as she is not in bed with me I am happy and will take sleep however she and I get it. :)
She now eats about 4-5 oz every 3-4 hours which is much more manageable than it was in the beginning. I pump during the day at work and supplement with formula as needed. Since I have gone back to work she seems to like bottles best so I rarely nurse her, which is fine with me because it is much more time consuming than pumping!
Today we went to the doctor for her two month checkup and first round of immunizations. She was trooper and calmed down quickly after having her shots and has not been too cranky the rest of the day. I have been giving her Tylenol faithfully which has helped to take the edge off and put her to sleep most of the day! :)
She has also outgrown almost all of her newborn clothes and diapers as this week we brought out the 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. It is fun to dress her now as she can finally fit into pants and shirts and not just sleepers. Her waist is still itty-bitty and most of her pants need to be rolled over to fit! She now weighs 8 lbs and 11 oz, which is almost exactly 2 lbs more than her birth weight. She is 23 inches long, which is 2.5 inches longer than she was at birth. She is in the 10 percentile for weight, and 60 percentile for height, so from the looks of it she is going to be tall and thin like her daddy! So far she still has her head of dark hair which I LOVE and hope she doesn't lose! :)
Well that wraps of the highlights of this past month, it has been a fun adventure that goes way too fast! :)